How far Have You Come? (OUR STORY PART 1)

    Typically my post are light and humorous. At least I think they are..I laugh at them all the time. But the direction of this one might not get as many giggles or lol's. And the only reason I say that is purely because I do not know how to make personal growth funny. I was talking with a friend recently about where we had each started out. Both had started in our parents homes moved out and life really took off. We each went over our own stories and laughed about a few things, mostly mistakes we could not believe we had been dense enough to make. But looking back was really enjoyable, I loved walking down memory lane and recalling the markers in life where you can truly pinpoint where life began. Not your literal life which was obviously at birth. But the life you have now.

    My life began when I met my husband. sorry if that is too much cheese for you, but suck it up cause it gets worse! I know that my life began when I met him because everything good and fulfilling that I am blessed with now, I can not say I would have ever had without him. I wont say that I couldn't have made a great life for myself, but knowing what I can have now...looking back I am all for the current direction.  

    A lot of people know our story. But lots of you fine folks don't. So I am going to attempt to keep my gag worthy LOVE story to a minimum. I wanted to just go into a long portion of the beginning of the Notebook and see how long it would take someone to be like shuttttt uppppp. But I am too lazy. So Basically here are the cliff notes. 2010 My husband and I had a mutual friend who was instructed to invite girls to a party. I am a girl, so I got invited. Lucky me. I show up at this party and it take me only a moment to realize what I got myself into. Two words: Sausage Fest. THE HORROR!! I am not the girl you invite to an all dude party. I was not a nice girl. I picked on guys like it was a full time job. So obviously a mistake was made.  I met him for the first time while he was raging drunk and way too friendly. I can't say we hit it off. But I did enjoy his company, he was quite a talker. 

    The next time I see him is at another party. I know it sounds like all I did is party...But I really did not. I was very conscious of  consequences, therefore I basically avoided men and copious amounts of alcohol. That being said....I was planning on going to this other party when my phone rang, and it was him inviting me to this party and since I was already planning on going...I went. We talked for quite some time and he asked me to text him sometime. I thought about it a million times and decided he just said that cause he was drunk. friend was angered by my nonchalant attitude towards a guy who was apparently showing clear interest in me. I just figured he said that to everyone that night. haha I am the oblivious type. So she makes me text him. Long story short we had our first date.

    We started dating August of 2010. He Went to Basic Training for the Army in October. That ass hole was enlisted when I met him. And he didn't even say anything until we had been dating for like two week I think. I was not very bothered by that fact...I kinda was thinking that was a handy out if he ended up being a weirdo. Well dammit, he was not a weirdo and I ended up falling in love. I actually hate that term. "I fell in love" (insert barfing emoji) Im not trying to start a romance novel, I just want write my story down, ok? So October rolls around and off he goes! I went and watched him swear into the army. I felt really weird. Like I did not realize the full magnitude of what I was witnessing. He was basically saying hey Government, I am yours to screw with! So have at it! I am so proud of him regardless of how little I truly felt at the time. I did not think about what he was about to do, only that I would miss this amazing person that I was still working on getting to know. I cried so hard that night. We were both in Portland at the same Hotel, but we couldn't stay together and he had to be in his room. So I stayed in mine and cried a bunch.

    Fast forward- He came home for Christmas, I was supposed to fly to Georgia to watch him graduate from Basic Training but weather ruined that. So this is where I am going to leave it for right now. I will keep adding parts. I thought it might be better to break this story up a bit since some parts are longer than others. I am also aware that I do not have the most fascinating story on planet you can come back for more...or NOT! I will be getting back to the usual farm post and humor. But I have really been wanting to write this for a while. So here is the beginning. ENJOY!


