The Train Incident

This morning started like any other...Bailee however felt that everyone needed to wake up at 6:30am. For no reason. But other than that is was the usual, she ran back and forth in the hall way and repeatedly opened and closed her ridiculously squeaky bedroom door. (I swear I will be greasing that up tomorrow before I loose my mind.) My favorite way to wake up is to be not so gently poked in the arm until I startle awake and find hot morning breath about 6 inches from my face. Its magical. Thennnn because her door is so squeaky i now find that Clayton has been woken up as well. At least he doesn't have anyone breathing into his mouth first thing in the morning...I envy him. So now..three out of four of us are awake. Bailee's first question every morning is: "Mom, is someone going to make me breakfast?" My first thoughts are..Nope, i shall leave you to I do every morning. Buuuuut the truth is, she has breakfast in front of her roughly thirty minutes after I wake up. So that question baffles me every single day.

So breakfast is served and Bailee munches happily on a bagel and some eggs. I then made a delightful pot of coffee. Clayton had finished his bottle and was quietly playing with toys, then Bailee finished her breakfast and joined him. And that when everything went dowwwwwwnnnhilllll. Maybe a train ended up in Bailee's hair because I was drinking coffee? Seems like if I have a moment to take a few sips while its hot something crazy happens and ruins my attempts at caffeinating myself.

Two sips into my favorite morning beverage I hear Bailee say quietly and with what should have been a false sense of calm: "Mom...could you help me get this train out of my hair? Its kinda stuck a little..." STUCK A LITTLE??? Nah that damn train was apart of her, it ran itself all the way into her scalp. Super cool! What do I do with that?? I tried unrolling her hair out of the wheels but that didn't work. A really helpful thing I could have done was turn the train off. Had I realized  it was turned on I may have made more progress. I sincerely blame the fact that she had not let me finish my coffee. I finally had the great sense to acquire my husbands skills. So after giggling about how children are seriously outrageous and how God must have a seriously jacked sense of humor....because at that point I was sure I would be giving her a interesting haircut. Buuuuut I have a seriously crafty husband so he put all this nonsense to bed quickly. Bailee did not end up with a fabulous haircut inspired by a toy train. That girl never ceases to surprise me.
