Motherhood and Chickens

Time has been moving way too fast for my taste. Seems like its impossible that Clayton is now two weeks shy of his 1st Birthday. I truly can not believe it! He is a goofy little ham and looks just like his daddy. And boy does he keep us on our toes. I spend most of the day building fortresses in my home to contain him and keep him from licking electrical outlets and giving himself a new hair doo. He is so much different than Bailee it baffles me! How did I create both these children and have them each be complete opposites? Bailee was not even slightly curious. She seldom got into anything and I didn't even fully baby proof the house with her. Clayton on the other hand is a monster to the core! A delightful, happy and hopelessly adorable monster...but a monster non the less!


       Among the new challenges of being a mother of two, I have recently dove into another challenge. Now don't laugh...but my new challenge aside from a semi new human to wrangle is well....chickens, I got some chickens and now I have found I love them. And well the true challenge is not getting more. Some people may not understand, but those feathery raptors are adorable and quite hilarious to watch. They do the stupidest things and are seriously manipulative! They cause a scene that could wake the neighborhood if I don't hustle my butt out to the coop and give them snacks! I feel like I rule my house with an iron fist. So like...I do not give in to harassment and you really cant wear me down...but these damn chickens! They got me running through the yard with an un-caffeinated pep in my step! They see that back door open and they start screaming for leftovers, scraps and meal worms! If I try to collect eggs before snacks have been doled out...I am certain I would be attacked..for if I do not provide the snack...I become the snack. At this point that is just a theory. But I am entirely too scared to test I will continue to feed my beloved feathered beasts. And I will choose to believe that they like me cause I am awesome and  not just because I bring them delicious treats.

   Overall Im lovin the new chapter of life. Having two children who adore each other, I am not joking...Clayton has a favorite person..and its not me, I am entirely way more jealous than I care to admit. For heavens sake I brought him into this world! But you know, I totally scored with these children. They are incredible! They both sleep through the night, they have bright and happy personalities. They love vegetables, which in my book means I am winning at Motherhood. No seriously....I have set small goals as a Mother and making sure my children will eat a vegetable on demand is like number three on my list. Broccoli NOW!!! Consider it done! Nope these kids wont be sitting at the table crying about the selection of food before them, noooo! They will sit there and digest green leafy foliage with smiles, because we trained for this!

  These kids are everything...does not hurt that they are flat out stinking cuter than all get out!
