Moms Need Hobbys

There Always comes a point when raising children where they begin to need you a little less. Its a fact. So when that inevitably happens what do we do?! We get a hobby!

I have the great fortune of having these two hilarious children. Bailee is five and Clayton will be a year next Saturday. The beautiful thing about their age gap is that Bailee entertains him a large part of the day. Don't get me wrong, that backfires frequently...I usually have to peel her off of him or vise versa. Also just as a fun fact..she giggles when Clay pulls her hair but screams and cries when I accidentally yank her hair while brushing it. Seems unfair..but whatever. Momming is the best, right?

So what ever shall I do with the small bits of time I now have to myself? Answer..EVERYTHING!! Fresh Butter! Fresh Bread! Home made soaps and Candles ohh and shoot while I am at it, should I run out of things to do, I think ill go ahead and turn Clayton's Baby clothes into a quilt. Why not? I have tried hopelessly to sell them on the swap sites and have had no luck. So why not craft with them?!

A few weeks ago I realized that I was becoming a bit lazy. I just became a bit bored, this weather while it is beautiful is rather confining. And to top it off both my kids up until recently have been sick since Valentines day! So as my children began to get better and I thought there was freedom to go to the park or at least plan some play dates,but this weather denied me! I cant very well take them to the park what with the snowcano erupting outside! So craftiness it is! I started with butter! 

The beauty of making your own butter is there are no added preservatives. So while you can't leave it on the counter over night it taste fantastic! I made an orange honey butter and herb butter and then some salted butter. Here's the funny part though...I'm trying to stay away from bread. And what do you do with fresh butter? you put it on a perfectly toasted piece of bread. (Slap my head) Don't worry, next I made bread. You know, cause bread and butter together..its a thing. A delicious thing!

My first attempt at bread was a screaming success. I have always been afraid of yeast, I don't actually know why. It just seemed complicated and temperamental. So I have avoided any recipes where it was needed. That is..until today! And let me just say, when you start kneading the dough and then set it aside to wait for it to rise...the urge to just sit there and watch it rise is soooo strong! Or maybe that's just me...But it also most likely has to do with the fact that I did not let the yeast activate and I only realized that once I read the directions saying to let it sit and rise after activating the yeast and mixing your remaining ingredients. (Gasp!) I made a mistake right off the bat! But I learned from it, I learned that yeast is a bit forgiving. It forgave me for not activating it, so I feel like me and yeast and I can probably be friends. Fortunately all was well, the dough rose the first time and even a second time once I punched it in the face a few times and divided it into loaves and tossed it in the oven. Thirty five minutes later I had delicious bread and fresh butter and so much yummm!

My next project that I will be taking on is making soap. Now this one I am particularly excited about. I have been staying up way too late reading about soap making and simple fool proof recipes. And I am raring to go! Unfortunately there is a decent amount of supplies that are required to get going so I am biding my time and will be slowly accumulating supplies before I begin. After I master soap making I am hoping to also start making candles. Anyone who know me, knows I love smelly things.  And by that I obviously mean things that smell incredible! I would like to be the person that makes these incredible great smelling items. So soon I shall be creating masterpieces! However...the downside to soap making is that it has to sit for almost a month in order for the lye to not melt your skin off. So I will make a batch and then have to wait for a month to try it out. Don't cry for me...Ill probably survive. Except ill probably replace my chicken dreams with dreams of delicious soaps...that isn't weird..No not at all.
