Clayton Matthew Matwich, Our Second Miracle Baby.

   Its hard to believe that we have made it this far. Its absolutely shocking that we successfully became pregnant with our second child. I am still completely blown away.
   Here we are, twenty four weeks! This pregnancy is officially viable. Which is a complete relief, because while I do not think Clayton will make his entrance for quite some time. I do believe he will be raising a hell until he makes his glorious appearance. Since he decided to get impatient so soon, I am very happy to have made this far, I accidentally stumbled upon some information that was very comforting given his recent shenanigans. And that would be that: While dangerous and very undesirable, a child can survive outside the uterus at 23 weeks. So since the little booger decided to go wild and scare me there for a few days, that information is handy for my sanity.

   Today I had to take two breaks while vacuuming....which I find astonishing! I cant believe that my body is so eager to get this show on the road! But on the bright side, my Husband has been awesome. Like....more awesome than his usual awesome. Which is...well, simply put....incredible. I have not had to clean even a quarter as much as I usually do! And honestly all he has been really doing is keeping up on the dishes and the kitchen. Its amazing what having two people cleaning up and picking up the house all week can accomplish. I am truly impressed. However....this cramping and constant Braxton Hicks is pretty frustrating.

   Thursday evening after cooking all day, I began having a lot of cramping and some shooting pains and what I later learned was Braxton Hicks. I was not familiar with the feeling because I am pretty sure I did not have them with Bailee. I talked myself down a lot for the next couple days after that, I tried to remind myself that cramping was normal and some people do get BH at this stage of pregnancy. But these cramps got pretty bad for a while and on Monday I decided to go get checked out. Well to my surprise my blood pressure was way higher than its ever been, which is pretty scary. And I was 1 cm dilated! Not really what I wanted to hear. So after talking to the nurse for a while and getting some more information on what to expect from that point, I headed home. I had a regular appointment scheduled with my Doctor on Thursday, so I was just trying to make it until then. Thursday rolled around and I got much better news than I was expecting! I was pretty nervous he was going to put me on bend rest, and I really did not want to hear that. But fortunately I had not progressed and since the cramping and contractions had slowed down a lot, he did not recommend bed rest at that time. I do go in Monday morning to get checked again just to be sure I am not progressing.

   All of that was pretty over whelming, I did not expect any of that! My pregnancy with Bailee was so easy and simple. This little guy seems to be taking after his father tremendously! He is both impatient and dramatic!

   Some days I still can not believe that we are pregnant. Can you believe that it has still not sunk in? Cause I cant! When I wake up in middle of the night to my little guy bouncing around and judo chopping my bladder I get this alarming reality check. All the night of crying myself to sleep because it felt so impossible are completely in the past. And for that I am so grateful. I have made it no secret that I was at the end of my rope with infertility treatments. If we had another failed IUI I was prepared to take a very long break from all things conception related. I was throwing up and being a slug who needed 16 hours of sleep a day to function. My weird reactions to the pre-IUI injections made even that procedure a total drag. Everything worked out just in time.

   I have always been a bit curious why we got pregnant when we did. I believe God has a timing for everything. And I have always use (and tried to believe it)"God will never give you more than you can handle." But I cant help but wonder...why? I was doing everything right for 3 1/2 years...I know the body is complex and most would be surprised at how many things have to fall in line in order to become pregnant, but I cant help it. I am curious! How did I literally become pregnant right before I finally snapped? We literally could not afford another round of treatment, and I was one...maybe two good cries away from a total epic meltdown. And just worked. Whatever the reason, I am beyond grateful. Sometimes at night when he is practicing his karate, I become so overwhelmed by excitement....that I just start to cry. It feels good to cry from happiness, you should try it sometime! I also....cried....when I saw that we needed another stocking for Clayton. He has to have a stocking hanging by the I can cry every time I look at it!

   This whole experience has been quite a ride. One I wish to never repeat. I can say however that wanting something you feel like you may never have really teaches you to be grateful. We were never sure in the very beginning that we would ever get to be parents. It took us 6 years to complete our family.

