We finally did IUI!!

Well it finally happened....we got to do IUI! I have to say I am feeling very optimistic. This last Friday I had an appointment for a follicle study. I had one back in May and it showed yet more bad news. I had no dominant follicles and my endometrium looked like hell. But Friday I was feeling really positive and and just felt a really good vibe about everything. During the follicle study my Dr. was very vocal about how impressed he was with the major difference between my current results and my previous results! I am not gonna lie it made me tear up a little, because we had not gotten good news at all...not one time since I started seeing him almost a year ago. So this was huge for me! Finally some good news! 

So that night I had to go home and do my trigger shot! The damn thing had been in the fridge for like 4 months! And although I was pretty nervous, I was just so excited.....even though I had to give myself an abdominal injection! I ended up having Sara come over and give it to me, she is going into the medical field so I figured she would enjoy the experience and I would be able to relax a little and leave it all to her. She did great, unfortunately I learned the hard way that I should have left the syringe out just a little longer to warm up. Injecting cold liquid into your stomach kinda feels like injecting molten lava! But over all the whole deal was not bad at all. But I did throw up for quite some time not long after, which at first freaked me out but after some research I found out it does happen due to the nature of the shot. Its pure hormones...ugh.

48 Hours later we headed into town to get the party started! We had to be at the clinic at 7:30am then return an hour later for the actual procedure. I was really excited that my doctor was on call that day, because Alex got to meet my Dr. and It was just nice to see a familiar face. I really like my Dr. he does a really good job at setting my mind at ease and he doesn't sugar coat anything. He just says it like it is, and I really appreciate that. 

The procedure was not what I expected at all. I did not expect it to be painful, but it really was! I have had some pretty intense procedures done before and I really just did not think this would fall under that category....ohhhh but it did. Not gonna lie I got a little teary eyed, and panic set in after a few minutes. It really just felt like I was being stabbed. Alex was there watching and he looked panicked as well. After my Dr. apologized multiple times saying he was sorry because he knew he was hurting me, I was able to relax a little...I mean at least he knew he was stabbing holes in me! As it turns out I have a severely tilted uterus...which he said can play a huge roll in our inability to get pregnant.. So that was a lovely discovery. 

Afterwards I experienced a lot of cramping and a few other unpleasant symptoms. But I am so so glad we finally got to do it. And I hope we never have to do it again! Although there are certainly worse things out there...  I really did not enjoy this procedure and I hope it is one I do not have to experience again. One reason being the wait!!! Oh man Its only day 4!!!! What the hell am I going to do with myself for another week and a half???? On the bright side, the day I can test falls right smack dab on Fathers Day! Man that will make for one good day if its positive! 

So at this point we have a 20% higher chance for success than we did before, which is cool!!! I on any given cycle have a 20-40% chance on my own with no interventions. So knowing I could have up to a 60% chance of getting pregnant is so exciting! I have a great feeling about this, so I am really anxious to find out! I am going to go ahead and wish away all this time so that I can stop feeling crazy! I am so ready for this journey to be over and a new much more exciting one can begin! 
