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I've been very open about most things involving my infertility process, however lately there has been nothing to share. I have been struggling with irregular cycle and after 63 days and 10 days of Provera I began my new cycle. Which mean after 2 months completely wasted and not being able to even try to get pregnant, we are finally back on track.

I have a lot of feelings about this upcoming few weeks, most of them include being seriously excited!  The reason being our new plan so to speak. After having to induce my cycle my doctor increases my dose of Femara. I was previously taking 2.5 mlg and when I had an ultrasound to check for healthy follicles, he said they were ok. Not great but not too bad either. So having gone though about 5 months of that dose he finally deduced that it has not been beneficial to me. So he increased my dose, today is day 2 of my increased dose. I have to say I am blown away at what a difference changing the dose makes. On the lower dose I was highly nauseated and would commonly not be able to keep food down. On the higher dose I am pretty nauseated but over all I am the most tired I've ever been in my life! I am completely exhausted all the time! Today I fell asleep in a my chair sitting up and missed the whole morning with Alex and Bailee. I woke up right before my husband put her down for her nap around 12:30. So collectively I got about 6 hours worth of napping in because I fell back asleep after Alex left for work. At first I was horrified! My fit bit said I had only taken 1k steps and it was 2:30pm!!! But then I realized I wouldn't have probably needed all that sleep if my body would have let me sleep at night. I was up and down all night, first from all the dry mouth a lovely side affect. Then I would chug water and have to get up to use the bathroom, it was non stop all night long! And when those two things weren't keeping me up, I was having to sit up abruptly because I would get the spins. Needless to say napping during the day seems to be the only way to survive. However I am very happy to have been given more anti nausea medication, it has made this experience actually bearable. Previously I had been suffering through non stop vomiting while taking Provera among other lovely side affects. I spend about 7 of the 10 days I had to take it bowing to the porcelain gods and feeling like I was going to pass out from malnutrition.... which let's be honest is highly dramatic... but man was I hungry and cranky. I'm a terrible hungry person.

So now that I am almost through the rough prescription part of my cycle I am about to get to the exciting stuff! Because this month we are doing IUI (inter uterine insemination). That is solely based however on the results of my follicle study on the 30th of this month. So next Thursday I go in for an ultrasound to have my follicles checked and see what's going  and to see if the Femara has done its magic. If it has then the exciting stuff begins... kind of. If we get the good news that everything looks healthy and happy we get to proceed with IUI. So once I get the go ahead from my doctor I have to administer an abdominal injection with a drug called Ovedrel or more commonly know as a trigger shot. Then we wait 36 hours which for me will be over the weekend, and then I go into the doctors office for the procedure. I'm very very excited. I'm still nervous about the potential results of the follicle study, I've never had what would be considered great results. And so with that being the case it's a very nerve wracking wait because it cost a lot of money just to find out if I have a healthy follicle... if I don't it's like flushing time and money down the toilet. We have to turn around and start over, more drugs that make me feel like crap and more anxious waiting. More money spend with no idea whether or not it will yield any results. But this is our first shot at IUI and because of the cost... it may be our only shot.

Today I ordered my injections, I'm very hopeful that I will actually get the go ahead to use them. And that's saying a lot coming from me! Because at no point in my life did I see myself hoping to get a call telling me to go ahead and stab myself in the abdomen! But here I am hoping for just that! The great news is that if all goes well, we could be finding out that we're pregnant right around our 6 th wedding anniversary at the end of April!!! How great would that be???

Overall... as always I'm hoping this is finally our time. I don't want to keep doing this anymore. I'm sincerely exhausted with all the tracking of this and that... and truthfully I'm freaking tired of peeing on sticks. I want to look at a calendar constantly not for the purpose of tracking my cycle, but instead because I'm trying to figure out what fruit my baby is the size of that week. I want to be barfing my guts out from morning sickness, not because I'm pumping my body full of what feels like pure poison. I have spent roughly the last 8 months throwing up and feeling sick anywhere from 5 to 15 days a month. I'm over it!! It took us a total of 2 years and 3 months to get pregnant with Bailee, 7 of which was spent on infertility drugs. We are now getting close enough to the 3 year mark where I am just generalizing and saying we have been trying for 3 years... 8 months of which have been very tough both emotionally and physically. It has to be time for this to come to a happy ending, right?
