Round 2.

So I finished round two of Femara. It was about as pleasant as the first round. The last two weeks have been pretty emotional and kinda stressful because of the process of the whole thing. After my first round I had to wait around to find out if I was pregnant and when we found we were not I had to deal with those emotions and then turn around three days later and begin five days of Femara all over again. So while dealing with disappointment I'm also dealing with nausea, vomiting, headaches , the spins and crazy mood swings. 

So here we are another month trying to conceive. Trying to be possitive about our odds and trying to keep the stress at a minimum as well as trying to find time for each other. I really never thought it was possible to hate swing shift more than I did already. But trying to get pregnant makes me hate even more still! And I'll bet once we have a newborn I'll find a way to loathe it more than before. 

I'm really ready for some good news. I sincerely don't want to have to do this for as long as we did with Bailee. This month I'm really hopeful, I want this to be our month! My doctor has recommended I have a procedure done in November if we don't get pregnant this month. I've read all about it and it's not really anything crazy. But for some reason I'm really nervous. However he feels very strongly that because of my abdominal surgery and the severity of the staph invection I had afterward that I may have substantial scaring in my abdomen and he wants to go clean it up and look for any blockages. 😫 I should be excited because he feels so possitive about it. But I'm just never comfortable with procedures and I hate being a patient. I'm a terrible patient. As well as it can have a lot of pain afterward and I can't take pain meds! So I'm terrified! Anyhow after this procedure he wants to do a round of IUI (inter uterine insemination) once I finish my round of Femara for the month and he feels really confident that it will work. I wish I could quit being worried and more optimistic. I tend to go through bouts of feeling hopeless about it all. But usually after a visit with him I'm feeling just as excited and confident as he is. I really like my doctor! And I trust him. 

One thing I can say about struggling with infertility, is that you really find out what your both made of. My husband has always been loving and kind hearted. He is attentive and respectful, he knows when to comfort me and when to leave me to myself. When I'm miserable and puking my guts out and so dizzy I can barely stand he is right there, helping any way he can. I can't imagine how he must feel some days. It's never fun being around someone who is sick cranky and moody. But somehow he puts up with me. I'm one lucky girl. 😍 

15 days till I can test for pregnancy. Hoping our prayers are answered 😍
