Just an Update on how Things are Going.

Well I survived 10 days of hormones! It was a rough few weeks, but they did what they were supposed to do and with any luck at all my body will do what its supposed to next month so I do not have to take them again. Fingers crossed! 

Tomorrow I have an appointment with the specialist I have been trying to get in to see for 3 months. So we are really excited about that. My hopes are that he has some more insight after reading through all my tests. I will also be requesting an anti nausea medication from him in case I have to use the hormones again next month. The side affects were terrible and had me so sick for such a large portion of the mornings and at unexpected random times during the day. I definitely can say for sure It was a reminder of what I could be in store for if I do get pregnant. My first pregnancy was pretty mild as far as morning sickness goes and I am so grateful! I am looking forward to all of the negative side affects being gone here in the next couple days so that I can feel normal again, even if its just for a few weeks! 

I am also really excited to step on the scale at my doctors office, which is a first! These last two weeks of meal prepping have made dropping a few pounds really simple and I am excited to see how much progress I continue to make. 

Anyway! Tomorrow is a big day! I am super nervous, I have not met this Doctor yet so I really hope he is as fantastic as my other one! 
