Anytime Now!

Today I was supposed to get some news from my Doctor. Its big news and I waiting anxiously all day! But as usual with the offices I have dealt with, they are not really concerned with my anxiety. If it was serious they would call immediately right? Thats what Im told. So I am convincing myself that they were too busy to deliver my results because they were not urgent. Which is good! Especially since they were looking for tumors and abnormalities. 

I was also waiting for some more blood work to come back it was supposed to be in yesterday, but since it was just boring tests I decided not to pester them and call constantly like I did on Tuesday. 

Today is day number two of taking the hormone they prescribed me, I do not remember the side effects being quite so delightful...headaches, nausea and swelling. My hands are so swollen it hurts to bend them and I can only wear one of my wedding rings, had to ditch the wedding band till Im done taking hormones or it might never come off! Another side effect is exhaustion, I fell asleep sitting up this afternoon. Not my usual style but ok! Looks like Im going to have to step it up and keep busy so I do not sit down and fall asleep. 

Today I keep thinking about how excited I am to get ready for another baby. I can not wait to find out we are pregnant! I really hope we find out either together or I find out alone and I can surprise him with a really cool reveal and make him cry his eyes out haha sounds brutal, but we have never had a normal experience. Its been all doctors offices and thats no fun! I want to freak out together and cry and be so excited and tell Bailee and devise all the ways we want to tell the family! I can not wait to find out what we are having so we can start buying clothes and cute stuff! I am so excited to tell Bailee there is a baby in my tummy! She is obsessed with babies and I know she will be such a great sissy!

Another reason I am so excited to have another baby is because of my husband. He is such a good father. And he is so great at sharing the responsibility. He wakes up in the middle of the night for feedings. I think he even changed every single diaper for the first week. He is seriously the best most attentive daddy! He took such good care of me while I recovered and I am just so excited to do it all again! Not to mention the whole family was amazing, my mom stayed in kansas with us for like 2 weeks after and helped out. She was amazing, so I just know having her closer will make it even better! 

Needless to say we are ready!!! We are as prepared as we can be for our next little miracle baby and I am truly hoping that it happens soon. I hope we get some great answers from these tests, which I will be calling about tomorrow morning!! So Im saying my prayers that they are in my favor!
