Tonight I Decided to Just be Mom.

Tonight started off like any other night, I was trying to make dinner while my daughter hung on my leg. She periodically pinches my inner thigh....which immediately send rage shooting through my body. Its all I can do almost every night to finish dinner before I lose my mind. Its not always this way, but lately she has been more needy than usual and I have no idea why! 

 I realized tonight that it does not have to be this way! I have no idea why  I stress to make the perfect dinner for my 2 year old...I literally obsess over the food I make her and it is exhausting! So tonight after too many pinches to the thigh, I just plain ol gave up! 

I modified dinner so it would be done quicker, then we went into the my bedroom plopped on the bed and ate dinner. As a bonus we watched the Little Mermaid and I got a million more snuggles than I would have if I had kept trying to be productive. 

I have no idea why I continually pressure myself to have the house put back together before she goes to sleep, it takes away from all the one on one time I could have with her. So tonight I had a learning moment! And it was a great one, I got to snuggle my little goober and tickle her until she squealed and I loved it. Too often I am absorbed in keeping things tidy and put together, it makes me feel better when my house is in order even though I have to practically kill myself to have it not look like a bomb detonated. I genuinely have to get my priorities straight, my child does not care if her house is a mess! In fact I do believe she enjoys a mess, or more accurately she likes having her mass quantity of  toys strategically placed in every corner of the house.

Tonight I tried to think back on my own childhood, and the the things I remember. I remember having the most incredible playroom, it was upstairs and away from the rest of the house. So I'm sure that's why my mother let us play to our hearts content, she was obsessive about the house being spotless..... definitely remember that. But I also remember camping, and family vacations. Playing leggos for hours with my Dad and loving it!

Kids wont remember all the things we think are important. They will remember the good times, or the really really bad times. They remember being yelled at and being made to feel like a bad child. 

I wonder...if everyone realized this maybe they would do things different. I want my child to remember more good things than bad, I can't be a perfect mom all the time but I can make sure that the happy memories are more memorable than the bad. 
