I Think Ill Shove This Up My Nose.

This morning has been eventful. It started off normal and escalated quickly. My daughter woke up in a shockingly great mood and didn't even start screaming at her door this morning when she woke up. So I mean that in itself is a win. Since it is a weekend morning I got her up we grabbed a cup of milk and went back into my bedroom. We recently got a TV in our room which is literally used for one thing....Playing a movie in the early morning hours so we can catch another hour of sleep. I am so fortunate that my child will sit through an entire movie, all we have to do is get her a drink in the morning, snuggle her in between us and then we get to go back to sleep. This is not laziness! This is genius! Waking up before it is light out is unacceptable! Especially if mommy woke up for the gym at 4:30am and crawled back in bed only to have to crawl right back out. We have rules at our house, this isn't the city zoo! As you can see we have high standards for behaviour in our home. The rules are simple really.....Do not wake up before the sun. Do not stand by your door and screech like a pterodactyl, unless your dying. Do not poke the dogs in the eyeball. Those are the main rules that keep our house running smoothly...I mean yea we have a few other ones but above are the basics.

So as I said before the morning was off to its normal start. But once we all crawled out of bed and began breakfast that all changed. I can only assume my daughter was feeling adventurous....because while my husband and  I were sitting on the couch drinking our coffee discussing the shelves we plan to make this afternoon we heard our daughter scream. I though initially that she had bit her tongue, she did that the other night and was hysterical and would not stop crying. It was so sad. My husband got to her first and assessed that she was mad because she could not get the large booger peeking out of her nostrils to come out. So he got some toilet paper and went to pinch her nose to get it out. Annnnnnd thats when it started bleeding and became apparent that we were not dealing with a rouge booger.  Its safe to say that we had our first "Is This An Emergency?" moment. Our child is pretty mellow, she has never broke anything she has only been sick twice and has never had an unscheduled visit to the doctor. So this was new for us.... Turns out the kid stuck cereal up her damn nose! A nice round chunk of cereal was lodged up her nose...how nice. I tried pinch the bridge of her nose to push it out. That did not work, she only cried and thrashed harder. So I decided that if I could find the tweezers at the bottom of my makeup bag we would pry it out and wala! Save ourselves a visit to the doctor. Well I only had to throw most of my makeup around the bathroom to find my tweezers. Once I got back to the scene I became nervous I would poke her eye out.....which as I mentioned before is something we just do not do in the house, its considered rude. But I just got in there and yanked out the cereal and what do you know the kid still has both of her eyes! However that piece of cereal was covered in blood and very soggy and very obviously not supposed to have been in a 2 year olds nostril. I had to pat myself on the back I mean I just successfully removed cereal from my child's brain with a sharp pair of make up covered tweezers. And as a bonus I did not make the situation worse by gouging out her eye. Pretty impressive.

I cant help but wonder what goes through children's heads when they decide that something that usually goes in their mouths should go in their nose instead. Do they inspect it and wonder if they stuck in in their nose if they could still taste it? Or do they wonder if their nose also leads to their stomachs?

Weirdest thing my child has done by far!
