An Odor Most Foul.

I think we can all agree that the smell of vomit is highly undesirable. I am currently typing away at my newly christened laptop...yes I mean it was barfed on, in case its not clear what I meant. The stomach flu hit our home, and fortunately the only afflicted family member was my daughter. I sincerely hope it stays that way!

Let me share my first experience with the stomach flu while being a mother. First off I would like to say This family does not get sick much. And yet we were hit with 2 bugs already this year, in February my daughter got a nasty chest cold and passed it on to my husband.  She is generous like that. And now here we are in the middle of March and my daughter is sick again..doing much better today thankfully. This flu taught me something... I would not say its something I really wanted to learn first hand. I learned that the term "projectile vomit" is a real thing, not a made up term that dramatic people use when someone throws up a large quantity of their stomach content. This became clear to me yesterday morning when I woke up and wandered out to the living room where my handsome husband and very chipper daughter were enjoying morning cartoons. Monday mornings are my favorite because my husband lets me sleep in and he gets up with our daughter. (That is literally the only advantage I can think of to him being on swing shift.) I love seeing them together they are so cute! So you could say the morning was off to a great start, especially since my daughter was looking to be in a much better mood as well as feeling a lot better. At least that's what I though! I was happy to see my husband had made coffee, so I grabbed a cup and sat in my favorite chair and snuggled up with a blanket. It was about that time that my daughter who was talking my ear off moments before burped then her eyes got wide, she started to cry then coughed.....and then spewed what I later learned was 3 cups of milk. My husband explained to me that since she had been sick for several days and refusing to eat, he was worried she would keel over from malnutrition. So since she loves milk he gave her some. And since she finished a whole cup and asked for more, he gave her more! Even though 3 cups is what she would get throughout a whole day and that is the maximum amount! So Im sure you see where I am going with this....basically that is an obscene amount of milk. But he was such a concerned Daddy and wanted her to get some calories, so I cant be too hard on him, I guess he learned his lesson.

So to get back to the main event... I had mentioned before how I thought projectile vomiting was not a real thing. Turns out I was wrong. And I have no problem admitting that! Once my daughter got going I thought she would never stop! How was there that much fluid in her tiny body?? I am genuinely mystified! She turned the living room into a carnival in 3 seconds flat. I say carnival because there is always that one person who doesn't have their life together before they get on the ferris wheel and then proceed to expel their stomach contents when the wheel has reached its full speed. Yea I know all about carnivals...and I envy their clean up technique. All they have to do is take a hose to it and spray some disinfectant! If I could have gone about cleaning up the mess that way I surely would have in a heartbeat! I learned something else yesterday...I cant clean up puke. I tried, but I just cant. I started heaving moments after I started.

Overall I would like to keep our track record as a healthy family. I also take cold and flu season as a serious threat and I never have before! Don't judge me if you see my child wearing a bubble suit, I refuse to do this again. Im not the type of Mom that can clean up puke...I just make a bigger mess by personal contribution.
