Some Current Events
So this should have been my first post, but i have no idea what i'm doing in the blogging department so it should come as no surprise that things are scattered and out of order. After posting in a site that wants me to throw 12 dollars a month at them, i finally found somewhere free and less confusing to post in. In my Blogs i want to talk about being a mom but also share a little about  myself. Its nice to have a place to chat and talk with other moms and to share experiences as well as encourage each other to not feel alone in parenthood. Some people tell me im pretty i will attempt to keep this Blog light and humerous. 

Well here's what's going on currently.  In September 2015 we bought our first house, we are starting to regret our choice in neighborhoods. Buuuuut the house is great so it is doing the trick for now. We upgraded from our beloved Jeep Commander to a 2012 Chevy Silverado which I primarily drive since it's our family vehicle...and let me just say, front row parking is no longer an exciting thing. It doesn't exist. Oh well, I could use the extra steps anyway. My husband is about to hit his one year mark at KR, he is doing incredible at his job and finances are so much more manageable since he started working there. We are both really excited to use the extra income to work on the outside of the house this summer. 
My husband finished his contract with the army in 2014, it's been great living as civilians this last couple years and not worrying about all things military. However after he departed from active duty he joined the reserves and thankfully we are coming to the end of that contract as well. So after 6 years we are finally no longer going to be military affiliated. 
I am fortunate to have found a man who doesn't run from hard work, he actually runs toward it.He will make a normal person feel lazy! Weeks like this last one are a prime example. He works 46 hours in 4 days then Friday morning he woke up at 3am to drive over the mountain to go to a 3 day reserve weekend. Usually he would drive back late Sunday night, but because he is getting ready to depart from his reserve unit in April he stayed up there so he could get his affairs in order on his own time. After that all was taken care of he drove 3 hours home to pick up his work gear and a lunch I prepared for him kissed his daughter that he had roughly seen for a collective 4 hours that whole week then headed off to work. It was a rough week for us all but Especially for him. This morning however all is right in the world, he arrived home from his swing shift around 1am got his minimum 7 hours of sleep and after making him a breakfast fit for a king I'm relaxing with a cup of much needed coffee. I can hear him and our sweet girl giggling in her bedroom, she keeps saying in her sweet little voice "thank you". Watching my handsome hard working husband get down on the floor and allow his little girl to stuff things in his beard and put bows in his hair totally melts me! 
My little family is so amazing. 
Oh we have 2 dogs, I guess I can't forget about them, they won't allow it. Chevy is our oldest dog he turns four this year. He is a lab mastiff golden retriever mix. He is the sweetest dog on the planet, he is 86 pounds and truly can't understand why we protest when he tries to sit on our laps. We got Riley right after Thanksgiving she is now 4 months old and weighs 44 it's not hard guess she is gonna be a tank! She is half St. Bernard and half Pitbull. And she drives me insane! But she is very sweet, it's hard to remember just because she is almost the same size as Chevy that she is still a puppy, we love her but I often think sedating her sounds fantastic. (im of course joking) 
