Reason Why We Are Amazing.

If you are anything like me the whole day either drags on, or its gone in a flash. But for the record mines usually gone in a flash. Children have a way of making your day disappear. My day usually looks a little something like this.

4:45am       Wake up for the gym.
6:15am       Get back from the gym and shower.
6:45am        I am not an impressive human, so at this point I crawl back in bed.
7:30am       The creature awakens and must be attended to.
8:00am       Breakfast is served.
8:15am       Feed the other creatures. (The ones with fur)
8:30am       Yay I get to feed myself.
9:00am        I like to try and sit and do nothing while having my coffee spilled all over me by either my rowdy puppy or my adorable child.
9:30am        My husband wakes from his coma and emerges from our room. He complains about the house being cold all while walking around half naked. (Crazy i know!)
10:00am      We hang out and have some family time.
10:30am      I leave father and daughter to have some fun, they are so cute together. And this is when the cleaning begins.
12:00pm      Nap time, no the nap is not for me. (An unfortunate turn of events called "adulting" prevents me from partaking in nap time. I am still working through the disappointment.)
1:00pm         I'm still cleaning.
1:30pm         Husband departs for work.
2:00pm         I hope your sitting down for this 2pm I am still cleaning.
2:15pm         The small one awakens and must be fed.
3:00pm         This time of day offers several variables...we may do projects, play in her room or go to the park. Anything that keeps her interested.
4:30pm          Its time to pretend like I had a plan for dinner.
5:00pm          The dinner I sincerely did not want to make did not make itself...I had to get involved. With any luck the food cooperated and we ate in a timely manner.
5:30pm          Bath time.
6:30pm           Relaxing time, I usually put a movie on and let my cutie play and do whatever her little heart desires, sometimes it includes snuggles. (The kid can not sit still for long, snuggles are becoming less and less frequent.)
7:30pm           Bed time.
7:45pm           Clean the kitchen, pick up living room.
8:30pm            Relax/ pay bills...write the monthly budget...make a shopping list ect.

These are the days that I do not work outside of the home. So essentially its called a day off. It seldom feels like a day off, its more like a day in which I keep my child happy, and keep her from diving off the coffee table to avoid any brain injuries or broken bones. Now amidst all the sarcasm I have inserted for humor purposes (I apologize if sarcasm does not tickle your funny bone.) I have one major point to be made. What I do everyday is important, not just to me. Only working two days of the five day work week makes our lives much easier overall. I see a lot of stuff about gender roles, and honestly it does sometimes strike a nerve. I do not have a problem being in my home taking care of business. Yes business, there are things to be done here. But first let me say, I am happy to be a stay at home mom..only working two days a week is amazing and I am so grateful that my husband and I are in a situation where my income is not a necessity. Anyway...stay at home moms often get a bad wrap. Sometimes people wonder what we do. And I am sure some stay at homes moms are lazy and do nothing....good for them, they are really living the dream. But here is what I am doing everyday. I am shaping a human being, I am helping my little girl cultivate her incredible imagination. I  give her examples of how to love and show emotion in a positive way every single day. I make healthy meals to keep her curious and busy little body moving until she is ready to take a break and rest. As a bonus I provide a safe and clean environment for her to do all of those things in. I never have gotten the feeling that what I am doing is the easy way out or easy in any way. There are days I yearn to be outside the house working there are much less emotions and accountability. I mean think about it...your child's behavior and how they react to situations is ultimately in our hands. The little human you are raising is a direct refection of the time and work you have put into raising them. That is a lot to be accountable for! I do not think what I do is easy, nor do I think it should be underestimated. Children are Gods greatest gift and they deserve to be treated as such. I will spend the rest of my life trying to remember that. Raise them with love and teach them the value of kindness, the days when we are their primary influence are going to pass so very quickly. Don't under value your contribution to the bigger picture Moms, we are incredible. We work hard when we think no one is watching. But someone always is...they never take their eyes off of you, those small little eyes glean everything they can from you. We are so important. We are amazing!
