My House Is Always A Mess And So Am I.

So just recently i hit a point where i have realized that i am not the only one.

I am not the only Mom who feels completely inadequate pretty much all the time. My main inadequacy seems to be in the department of house keeping. Now the case is not that I do not clean, it is simply that it never stays that way. And i know that happens to just about anyone with kids. I did my research...its true people with kids do not have the luxury of something staying "put away". I often suggest to my husband that we bomb the portion of the house where the kitchen is...he always says no. Perhaps i should leave the dishes to him night and day as well as the cooking, im certain i could change his mind in a matter of days. (I of course would never do that, i know he works very hard at his job and i do not expect him to take on all the house work as well.) It truly seems that if you put your energy into one portion of the household the rest goes to hell in a handbasket.

I recently discovered my two year old loves to clean. (Not for long my Love, not for long!) And so she will either swipe the hand towel off the stove or if she has access she will take a wipe out of the package and begin to clean the house. She does it multiple times a day! It is then that i realized what was happening...and i needed to approach it delicately. She is like any other two year old, she like to imitate what she sees. And since i pride myself on our home not looking like it survived a natural disaster...I clean, CONSTANTLY! And so now she does as well. She scrubs the carpet, her high chair, the tables and anything with a hard surface in her room. And she throws trash away like it has personally offended her, all while screaming EWWWWWW!!!!

So i guess at this point i must take advantage of it right? I believe it is time for simple chores. My husband told her when she turned a year old that she was now expected to get a job, pee in the toilet and contribute to household expenses. We had a good laugh over that one.

Since at this point in our lives we only have one child, i cringe when i think that bombs will never stop going off in my home...I would love to have two more children. I would also love to have a housekeeper! But we must be realistic right? Yes i know i will forever be cleaning. Im trying to accept it, i am just not able to at this time. 
