Don't Grow Up, Its A Trap!

   So I was thinking back to when I was in school. I have been thinking about school a lot lately because I have been trying to accept early on that one day I will have to walk my timid child into a classroom and leave her there with perfect strangers. The idea of it makes me cringe, especially if you watch the news. There seems to be a constant stream of people being charged with heinous crimes against adolescents.  But even with that to worry about I find myself distracted with the concern that my child with despise school as much as I did. To be fair I had lousy teachers basically all the way up until Junior High, oddly enough the worst teachers I ever had were the ones from private school. They couldn't have had teaching degrees I am certain of it!

My 4th grade teacher was decent, she was not any fun but I do remember learning and I do felt like she actually knew the material she was teaching. My 5th grade teacher was a waste of space. He would leave his 5th and 6th grade class in the classroom and go play basketball with the 7th and 8th graders. All while leaving the answer key out in the middle of the room so we could check our work. I never checked my work, I did not need to check my work...I was not doing any work. I could not have done my math problems if I had really tried because he never taught me anything! I struggled with math ever since I can remember and this guy never bothered to teach me anything. Also one of my most memorable moments in his class is when he humiliated one point during class he pulled me aside and said that what I was wearing to class was unsuitable and that I should not wear it ever again. I was like 9 years old it was the 90's and I was wearing stretch pants. So was several other girls in my class. But apparently the color of mine made my underwear line visible. He asked me to never wear those type of pants again because it was inappropriate. Now what was actually inappropriate was him coming to me and expressing his concerns about my wardrobe in the middle of the day, making me exceedingly self conscious while there was nothing I could do about it until school was out for the day. He should have called my mom, but this man was so lazy and so disinterested in his job he took the easy way out every chance he got. 

School was always just a series of unfortunate and miserable events for me when I was younger and I am so scared to have my child enter the school system. I want to find a teacher who loves to teach, one that will help my child find a passion for learning. I truly hope that by the time I have to walk my baby girl into a classroom full of strangers that I can pull myself together and not let my own experience keep me from balling my eyes out and just taking her home before class has even begun. 

All that aside, I am very excited to have her run up to me with an art project that she worked so hard on. I cant wait to see how proud she is of herself, and to listen to her talk about all the kids in her class. My beautiful girl is growing too fast! Someone please make it slow down.
